About Us

Utabibu Sacco Profile

Utabibu Regulated NON-WDTS LTD was incorporated under the Cooperative Societies Act Cap 490 in October 1974. It started with about 50 members for the express purpose of providing members with cheap loans against their savings. In 2001, the SACCO opened its doors to other Aga Khan affiliated institutions. Its membership therefore is drawn from the Aga Khan University Hospital- Nairobi as well as Aga Khan Schools which include Aga Khan Academy - Nairobi, Aga Khan Junior Academy- Nairobi, Aga Khan Nursery-Nairobi, Aga Khan Primary- Nairobi, Aga Khan Education Services, Path Care and Aga Khan Foundation.

The SACCO’s offices are located at
Doctors Park Building, 4th Floor, 3rd Parklands Avenue.
Email address: info@utabibusacco.co.ke.
Tel: +254 711 651 574 or +254 786 505 050

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nairobi academy

The Utabibu Regulated NON-WDTS LTD exists to pool together members’ savings and extend credit to them in accordance with the cooperative principles.


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